Thema wechseln:

  Themenstruktur Autor Datum infoID
Recently at Ali´s      19 Nov. 03; 13:49   138356.1  
soon after alis friends landed by parachute the oud was ready
Singing - 138333.1

we were fascinated by the sounds we heard but even more so by the explanations and interpretations AFTER the singing
translation after - 137561.1

the mudir was contemplating first about the best strategy for the evening
Al Mudir contemplating - 138337.1

then al mudir burst into action
Al Mudir in action - 138339.1

most of the audience was happy
Audience - 138345.1

but the happiest moment was when the friends of alis all helped together to find again the tune of fadl schakre for alexander
Fadl Schakr Happyness - 138341.1
total fadl schakr bliss!

thanks ali for this splendid evening.
if you want to

... (mehr)


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