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The urban regeneration context in Stockholm The City District Regeneration initiative is a continuation of earlier initiatives (both the governmental Metropolitan Initiative and the City Council Outer City Initiative) focusing on the development of the outer city neighbourhoods. The general objectives of the City District Regeneration initiative corresponds to the general objectives of the citys integration work. Those are: - The basis for sustainable growth and economic development in the whole city will be created, through investment in the outer city neighbourhoods that stimulates the residents, housing provisions, new jobs and excellent conditions for trade and industry as well as physical and electronic infrastructure.
- The gap between the different parts of the city shall be reduced, especially concerning employment and levels of education, health, safety and security as well as access to local services, culture and recreational activities.
- Methods must be established and targeted at highlighting, counteracting and eliminating racism and discriminatory structures.
The specific process objectives of City District Regeneration implies, in broad lines: An increased participation of the residents at both a planning and decision-making level A policy process shaped by openness and transparency. Ameliorated co-ordination between different ongoing activities, initiatives, programmes and projects as well as between different actors. The District Councils are responsible for that local future visions and action plans are elaborated through the involvement of various concerned actors (local, central, residents etc.) and taking into account both physical and social development. There should further exist a communication plan and a clear local organisation for the local development work of City District Regeneration. Objectives of the City District Regeneration |
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