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19 Feb. 2025; 08:01
Objectives of the City District Regeneration

General objectives

The investment in City District Regeneration is just one of many tools used to achieve the objectives set out in the city’s integration work. The city’s general objectives for integration policy therefore also represent the general objectives for City District Regeneration. All contributory committees and companies shall within their operations strive to accomplish these goals.

The basis for sustainable growth and economic development in the whole city will be created, through investment in the outer city neighbourhoods that stimulates the residents, housing provisions, new jobs and excellent conditions for trade and industry as well as physical and electronic infrastructure.

The gap between the different parts of the city shall be reduced, especially concerning employment and levels of education, health, safety and security as well as access to local services, culture and recreational activities.

Methods must be established and targeted at highlighting, counteracting and eliminating racism and discriminatory structures.

Process objectives

In order to attain the general objectives there is a strong demand on continuing the progress of citizens’ influence, cooperation and new working procedures in the city’s development processes. A developed process is therefore both a means and an objective in the continuing work.

The citizens’ possibilities to participate in the planning and decision making processes and to have direct influence in joint matters will increase through, amongst other things, the development of meeting forums plus the moulding of openness and transparency . The District Councils are principally responsible for this, but the specialist committees and companies will actively contribute in their cooperation with the residents.

An increased rate of cooperation between ongoing major initiatives in the outer city neighbourhoods will be sought after. Different initiatives will be connected to other ongoing development assignments within Agenda 21, regular services etc. Clear forms of collaboration between different local actors will be established or alternatively be further developed. The District Councils concerned will be responsible to ensure that local future visions and action plans are created for every district that is included in City District Regeneration. This will come from an overall view of cohesive development work and consider both physical and social development questions. The work will involve different relevant actors both at a local and central level. Through things such as “Future scenarios”, “Future Workshops”, the residents will be given the opportunity to actively participate in determining the local future visions and action plans.
A specific plan for regular communication contributions aimed at citizens will be established within every relevant district council neighbourhood. It would be desirable to use the plan in cooperation with other communication strategies and initiatives within the district. A clear local organisation will be formed for local development work.

Criteria for measures required within City District Regeneration.

All of the measures that will be implemented within the scope of the 600 MSEK that has been allocated for City District Regeneration shall fulfil at least one of the following criteria:
1. The measure aims to highlight or alternatively increase the respective neighbourhoods’ attractiveness to residents and trade and industry.
2. The measure directly contributes to the achievement of the general objectives. The measure can refer to the total geographical area or be directed to a particular group. For example young or unemployed people.
3. The measure indirectly contributes to achieving the general objectives. The measure can refer to competence development, experience exchange etc.
4. The measure contributes to fulfilling the process/operational objectives.
5. The measure contributes to the mobilisation of regular resources within local development work. For example resources from City District Regeneration may be used as part funding in a much larger investment.
All measures will contribute to long term positive transformation that aims to reduce the city’s costs or counteract increasing costs.


Annually Stockholm City Council and the municipal housing companies are each accountable for 75 MSEK of the combined 600 MSEK that has been allocated for City district regeneration during the current mandate period.

The Premise, methods of work and decision processes

In accordance with the general objectives, process/operational objectives and the criteria for measures the future visions and action plans will be formulated within the District council’s neighbourhoods that are nominated for investment. The visions and action plans will take into account both physical and social development issues. The work will involve different relevant actors both at a local and central level. The residents’ possibilities to contribute will be ensured through the initiatives –”Future scenarios”, ”Future workshops” or in other ways. The local objectives will be specific and fixed therefore allowing follow-up and evaluation by the District councils themselves as well as external auditors.

In the day to day work City District Regeneration will follow the proposed measures brought forward by citizens and officers at different types of citizen forums in accordance with the local objectives that have been mutually agreed upon for the investment. Local meetings and methods of work will be designed by the District councils in cooperation with residents and association groups. It is also very important to find ways for local cooperation with relevant specialist committees and private companies.

In accordance with the local future vision and action plan the District councils will decide which of the proposed measures will be actioned and thus take responsibility for accelerating the implementation process. Specific support functions will exist within the District council departments however it is of vital importance that the total officer organisation participates in City District Regeneration. When it relates to proposals within City District Regeneration that affects the municipal companies, each respective company will take the decision of action. In order to accomplish the best possible coordination between the District councils’ development strategies and the municipal companies’ investments within the scope of the initiative it is imperative that there is a close dialogue between the citizens, District councils and relevant companies. The objective of cooperation is crucial in this context.

It is very important that the District councils develop work methods with a clear scope. Rapid and coherent instructions are required in order to avoid disappointment and a loss of commitment from the citizens’ side. A vital success factor is of course that the common vision for the neighbourhood’s long term development is actually formed in close cooperation with the citizens.

Efforts for broad local participation

The initiative of City District Regeneration is built upon the commitment of citizens. The district councils will therefore establish local plans for regular communication contributions. It would be desirable to coordinate these plans with other communication contributions. It is imperative that the District councils develop work methods that stimulate existing business, new associations and individuals to participate and cooperate on the same terms. Tendencies of shutting out certain groups must be actively counteracted. The key objective is that the new processes from an individual perspective will be enriching for the established association structures and result in innovative methods of cooperation.