poseidon http://poseidon-partnership.factlink.net/211018.8
15 Feb. 2025; 19:53
London Haringey - The Bridge New Deal for Communities

H.E.B.E. Haringey Bridge NDC Engaging young Black and minority young people in a European project.

Creating the leaders of tomorrow today! Youth Citizenship in diverse and transient communities.
This project is all about enabling young people and their families to contribute and be part of the community, particularly those who come from diverse and migrant communities.

Overall Goal
  • Enabling young people and their families to contribute and be part of their community
  • Sharing experiences with the POSEIDON partners on youth participation in democracy and in decision making
  • Developing long lasting links with European partners by way of school and youth group exchanges initiated by young people
  • Enhancing the capacity of young people involved in decision making
  • Understanding our diverse and migrant communities so that we promote cohesion and integration in our neighbourhood. Creating the leaders of tomorrow and Youth Citizenship in diverse and transient communities

Target group
Young people and their families, community leaders, policy makers and politicians.

  • Developing Youth Forum Committee and other youth groups – develop understanding how to utilise the political framework to deliver change to be achieved through training, exchanges, visits to other projects and through the delivery of their own project.
  • Empower and give young people a permanent voice in the ownership of services targeted at young people in the South Tottenham area. Including decision making, budget management and quality assurance/evaluation.
  • Developing the link between today’s leaders and tomorrows through a youth mentoring scheme.
  • The Youth Forum Committee in the NDC will be further developed through the exchanges and visits from young people in other POSEIDON countries.

Description: Jason Bradley

Local contact: Zena Brabazon, zena.brabazon@haringey.gov.uk