poseidon http://poseidon-partnership.factlink.net/286092.0
16 Feb. 2025; 10:34

The mission statements provided by each partner area highlight the added value gained from the 3 year process, also bearing in mind how individual partners went into the POSEIDON project and what they had achieved at its conclusion.


The POSEIDON experience 2004 - 2007 was so special because it enabled the implementation of various multifaceted projects in six partner areas with a European perspective; activities which would not have occurred otherwise.

POSEIDON, a project about people! Moreover, a great number and a wide range of actors from all levels were actively involved and targeted in a process lasting more than three years – from residents to politicians, individual actors to institutions. Special inspiration emerged from the extensive exchange of different viewpoints and learning from each others' experiences on how to tackle specific issues surrounding deprived areas and their residents.




The development of the Poseidon pilot project WIJKWEB has given the local community an enormous positive energy boost! The project focused on citizens as producers rather than consumers, giving them the opportunity to develop their own talents and to become empowered. This has led to a much better match between demand and supply in the neighbourhood and has increased social cohesion substantially.




Poseidon strengthened local identity through the comparison with Europe and addressing the identity of the whole valley instead of single municipalities. Poseidon's integrated approach addressed many different fields and topics, highlighting mutual relationships. Poseidon provided a new tool for increasing the power of local administrations.



London Haringey

POSEIDON gave us the opportunity to carry out projects in our two target areas of Seven Sisters and White Hart Lane which would not otherwise have happened due to lack of financial and other resources. The project has also given us new ideas, new ways of thinking and doing things and some fantastic networks and linkages with our POSEIDON partners – plus the realisation that we all have a lot in common and the world is indeed getting smaller!



North Kent

The POSEIDON project has enabled all tiers of people involved in neighbourhood development work – residents, project managers and strategists – to see how things can, and have, been done differently. The transfer of knowledge and experience, and the relationships that have been forged - horizontally between the partners, and vertically between the tiers - have proved invaluable in making a difference to the lives of residents, including those typically deemed ‘hard to reach’.




In May 2006, Stockholm's and London-Haringey's participation in POSEIDON gave five young Europeans the opportunity to address hundreds of leading politicians, researchers and practitioners attending the EU conference Urban Futures. The young people spoke of their hopes for the future and of being involved in the development of their local communities. The event, a very proud moment for us POSEIDON adults, is just one of many exciting results of a very successful effort at involving teenagers in the co-operation between the partner cities. The youth exchange is one of many rewarding aspects of the POSEIDON partnership.