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Assign permissions to individual users
It is possible to assign permissions to individual users instead of whole groups of users. This option needs to be activated by the p-admin.


(1) After you have clicked on "next >>" in the input mask, a group overview is displayed.

(2) In order to assign permissions to individual groups, you need to open a group by clicking on the "+" next to it. If you do not see a "+", you are not allowed to assign permissions to individual users.

(3) Below the group title, all group members are displayed.

users - berechtigungen einzelberechtigungen [en] - 271661.2

(4) Click in the checkboxes next to the respective user names.

AutorIn: Angela Gamsriegler; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Angela Gamsriegler (gamsrieglera)
factID: 271656.1; Publiziert am 14 Nov. 2006 16:54
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