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Karl Bruckschwaiger

born: 28. january 1961 in Linz

Studied philosophy and history at the University Vienna
Finished in may 2002 with the dissertation about Hans Kelsen.
Worked in the Sigmund Freud–Museum Vienna till august 2003.
Translations of texts by:
Renata Salecl: „Politik des Phantasmas“,Turia & Kant, Vienna1993
Miran Bozovic: „Benthams Panoptikum“ Turia & Kant, Vienna 1996
Parts of longer texts by Slavoj Zizek:
„Metastasen des Geniessens“  Kiepenheuer & Witsch
and „Interpassivität“  Springer 2000
Own texts:
The essay: Carl Schmitt am Rande des Großraums in
„Gegen den Ausnahmezustand.“ Hg.Wolfgang Pircher; Springer 1999     
The essay: „Je nach Lage der Akten“ in „Archiv X“ edited by the
Centrum für Gegenwartskunst OÖ.
Some recensions for Springer, Falter and student magazines:
music -and specialised book.


Theatre and performance:


1) From1991 to 1995: Collaboration with „Sparverein der
     Unzertrennlichen“ by Kurt Palm.  
     Participation in four productions: „In Schwimmen-zwei Vögel“,
     „Das schwache Geschlecht“, „Bring mir die Hörner von Wilmingtons
     Kuh“ and „Der dritte Polizist“.
2) 1995: Bit player in the film „Before Sunrise“ by Richard Linklater.
3) 1995 to 1999: Collaboration in the Stadttheater Vienna, especially
      the projects
„Rameaus Neffe“, „Michael Kohlhaas“
      and „Dantes Divina Commedia“

4)  1997: Cinema-quatrain in the Depot  together with
      Catharina Zakravsky, Elke
Krasny and guests.
5)  Own performances:  „Hühnermumifizierung“ Five times performed so far -
      two times in Vienna, with the Lomographen in Innsbruck, in
      Graz and at the Volksbühne Berlin in the context of Schlingensiefs
       „Müllfestival in may 1996, and in the framework of  "Leben und  
      Arbeiten in Wien“ - 
3.Nov. 2000 in the Kunsthalle Vienna.
6)  1997-1998 Colaboration with the group „Novak“  some discussions
      in the "Basis" and the "Depot" Vienna with the edition of 
      two specimens of one
7)  Since1985 DJ in differnet  clubs: „Trabant“, „Roxy“
      „Volksgarten  Pavillon“,
„Palmenhaus“ and „Schikaneder“.
       Co-organised the club „Plankdon“ from 1997 to 1999 together with    
       Andreas Donhauser, Alexander Schuh and some other friends.

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