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E-Mail sent to the user after her/his registration (registration welcome)
In the following you see the standard e-mail text which a user receives as soon as he/she has registered on a platform. The commands with the these brackets „<< >>“ are wildcards for words the system inserts automatically. For example the character string <<username>> means that the system inserts here the respective user name. You can alter the text as desired, as long as the commands <<username>>, <<password>> remain in the e-mail.

Dear <<firstname>> <<lastname>>,

Welcome to the factline community server (FCS). Please use the following data for your Login:

username: <<username>>
password: <<password>>

Please be aware that username and password are case sensitive. Therefore we recommend you copy&paste the password for the first time and change it afterwards to something you can easily remember.

Best regards from your factline support team.

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