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20 May. 2005, Stuttgart |
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4th Symposium f Information Design - Input Lotte Krisper-Ullyett
2. Juni in Stuttgart, zum Thema Game Based Learning |
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Fourth Symposium for Information Design
Als Lotte Krisper-Ullyetts Beitrag im Rahmen eines spielerischen Wettbewerbs von SIG-GLUE prämiert wurde, eröffnete sich die Möglichkeit, darüber am Symposium for Information Design zu referieren.
From 10.00 AM to 18.00PM, exact times and rooms will be announced shortly.
»A curiously challenging fantasy: towards an understanding of learning environments as games« Michael
Begg, Learning Technology Section, College of Medicine and Veterinary
Medicine, University of Edinburgh, UK - Fiona Littleton, Hamish
Macleod, School of Education, University of Edinburgh, UK
»Game-based learning for micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)« Frederic Adler, Caro Dehne, Gabi Reinmann, Universtity Augsburg, Germany
»Storytelling based edutainment applications for museums« Stefan Göbel, Anja Hoffmann, ZGDV Darmstadt, Germany
»Learning with digital agents - integration of simulations, games, and storytelling« Ulrike Spierling, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, Germany
»Games and learning - starting from the learning perspective« Chris Brannigan, Caspianlearning, UK
»Youngnet: learning community for collaborative gaming and learning« Fabian Kempf, IAO Stuttgart, Germany
»An interactions approach for analysing collaborative games« Philip Bonanno, University of Malta
»Learning by Fooling (around)«
Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, factline Webservices Gmbh, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland
»Dramaturgic e-learning strategy« Huberta Kritzenberger, Wilfried Mödinger, Stuttgart Media University (HdM), Germany
»Evaluation results of a story based learning project« Michael Burmester, Daniela Edinger, Stuttgart Media University (HdM), Germany
»Knowledge pool for game based learning« Maja Pivec, FH Joanneum, Austria and Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, factline & FH Burgenland Austria
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Source: factline |