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Eine neuere Version dieses Facts existiert bereits.. (anzeigen:)
The fact-archive
In the fact-archive, you see all versions of a fact together with their infoID, title, publication date and author. Moreover, you see which versions are still available and which versions have been deleted. Click on the title to access a particular version. If you are not permitted to view a version, the title is not displayed.

users - versionierung fact-archiv - 210848.7

You can either access the fact-archive via the infobox in the options-areas (left column)...

users - versionierung fact-archiv infobox [en] - 211184.7 

...or by clicking on the "history"-link in the meta data of the fact.

users - metainformation [en] - 240034.5

Facts with only one version do not have a fact-archive. Therefore, no link is displayed.

AutorIn: Angela Gamsriegler, CK; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: factline Webservices GmbH (dokspace2)
factID: 210986.7 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 03 Aug. 2007 11:03
Verweis(e) (9):