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Fluc :  program

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program of the day :                              

staging - condensing       >Theatre and Urban Space<

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Lectures :

>> Camp on Karlsplatz <<

Martin Wassermair (cultural and media activist)

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>> From Siege to Palais <<

Claudia Bosse (director of the theatre group “Theatercombinat”)

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>> From Camp to Manoeuvre <<

Fred Büchel (actor, director: Fritzpunkt. Büro für theatralische Sofortmaßnahmen)
Ulrich Beckefeld (architect: osa)

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„Staging – Condesing” involves the intersection of the „camp” with public space. Martin Wassermaier
presents a short film about the occupation of Karlsplatz by a media-camp. As an active platform within
an independent cultural approach and practice of media, the media-camp wanted to make
the Karlsplatz central point of a new protest movement. For some theatrical-performative projects that
started to stage camp-like patterns in Vienna last winter, „Staging – Condesing” gives the opportunity
to present and evaluate not only those projects in a retrospective way – such as the urbanistic
choreographic „Palais Donaustadt” by the „Theaterkombinat” with included theory-camp and „In deinem
Lager ist Österreich” (“In Your Camp is Austria”), a project about Marianne Fritz by the „Stadttheater
Wien” (Vienna City Theatre) and the pedagogical relic of the “Child’s City”. In addition to that, Claudia
Bosse (Theaterkombinat), Fred Büchel (Stadttheater Wien/ Vienna City Theatre) and the architect
Ulrich Beckefeld (“office for subversive architecture – osa”), who has a working cooperation with Büchel,
show the process of their works. It reaches from besiegement – a project about Melvilles Barthleby in
Hebbeltheater HAU, Berlin 2004 – to “camping” on the Danube ledge (Bosse) and leads then away from
the camp to manoeuvre, a mass-reading of Marianne Fritz’ novel “Naturgemäß I” (“Naturally I”), which
exceeds 1000 pages. Büchel and Beckefeld compile a visual installation of „pocket-camps” that
comprise miniatures of stills and microarchitecture. This field of attention is joined by Ilse Chlan’s film
about the pedagogical experiment of “Child’s City”, where children were offered a more or less isolated
camp for a first practise in urban social behaviour – in the spirit of the seventies.

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Film/screening program:

>>City of Children 2005<< (Ilse Chlan, Elise Penzias)  
>>Mediacamp<< (public netbase)
>>Bildungscamper: Der Blick des Patriarchen<< (Nicola Hochkeppel)

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