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Semantic MediaWiki The Semantic MediaWiki sem'base is a knowledge basis for semantical
technology and services with focus on Austria and presently writing 300
articles, which actors activate within regards to a business
This Project came from within factline from sem'base (Semantic Knowledge Base), an accompanied measure to Förderprogramm FIT-IT the BMVIT, initiated and jointly converted with the APA - ZukunftWissen and the artist Max Frey.
AVL List GmbH
Consulting on content and graphics as well as creation of two customer platforms for users of the
advanced simulation software (AST Division).
Center Steyr
Graphical configuration and implementation of two customer platforms for users of the
Kuli- as well as Femfat- Software.
Telekom Austria
Realisation of a company-wide content analysis (Telekom Austria, Mobilkom, Datakom, Highway 196).
Bmf Environment, Youth and Family
Textual and graphical content analysis and implementation of a platform centered around the topic "Renewable Energy".
Online Meetings:
Integration of factchat for internal partners of the portal for nuclear science. visit the website
Provincial Government of Lower Austria factchat, created on behalf of the Woman's Department at the federal office of the provincial government of Lower Austria.
visit the website
A dissertation project at the university of Cologne (faculty of
pedagogics) about the didactical potentials of synchronous computer
supported communication and its empirical verification. visit the website
factline developed a consulting chat service in conjunction with SocialConsult. It was
introduced at the World Council for Psychotherapy conference in July 2002.
Content Licensing:
Factiva, a Reuters/Dow Jones Venture
Content licensing and support in 24 countries: German speaking area,
Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and countries of the former Soviet