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Morphic Resonance 3




Megan Bridge/Peter Price


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To attend to the resonance of forms, to morphic resonance, is to attend to the production of space by and between bodies. It is also to question the spatiality of the temporal.




 Friday/Freitag 12.02.2010




Morphic Resonances 1-4 is a research-based performance project. A solo dancing body is set into resonance with the materials that surround it. These materials may include: aluminum foil, pixels, corn starch, sesame seeds, four walls, some people watching, and sound. There is cause and effect.


Collaborators dancer/choreographer Megan Bridge and digital artist/media theorist Peter Price, working since 2008 under the collaborative moniker <fidget>, have created over a dozen works together in the past decade. The research-based nature of Morphic Resonances informs our performance practice by deepening and making more thoughtful our physical, sonic, and visual presences within the work.


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Morphic Resonance 3 is a becoming: as its language becomes more intelligible

to us, its systems take clearer shape before our audience.

We gather our materials and approach each performance situation as a frame

that re-orients and gives new definition to the work.

Morphic Resonances 1-4 originated in a week-long “Process-Project” research

period before live audiences at thefidget space (Philadelphia) in October 2009.

It was developed in performance in Philadelphia in November and

December 2009 and will exist in further iterations

in Vienna (February and March 2010) and Istanbul (April 2010).

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openLAB :: openEND

Sound by: automatik




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Megan Bridge

has worked as a dancer with international choreographers such as Jerome Bel, Willi Dorner, Rennie Harris, Lenni Basso/Akiko Kitamura, and Carole Brown.

She holds a BFA in dance from

SUNY Purchase.





Peter Price creates digital sonic and visual environments for live performance, and has

a long history of collaboration with dance companies, performance artists, and musicians. He is currently researching and writing on the topic of resonance as a PhD candidate at European Graduate School in Saas Fee, Switzerland.







 is a concept. Collaborators Megan Bridge and Peter Price use body, sound, and visual gesture to create live performance work that is time-based and concept driven: sexy, sci-fi, cybernetic, psychedelic multimedia dance theater. We have created more than a dozen performance works together since 2000; we work and live in a warehouse (thefidget space) in Philadelphia.


On tour, <fidget>’s work has been seen in places like New York, Berlin, and Vienna. At home we perform in theaters, galleries, warehouses, and nightclubs. As artists-in-residence, <fidget> has created work for Philadelphia based Group Motion Dance Company (A Shadow in the Aeolian Palace, 2009) and Johannesburg-based Walking Gusto Productions (Traces Pathways, 2006). Our 2005 work The Fold, a neo-baroque parable of time, space, and identity in the 21st century, premiered at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, South Africa, and went on to perform in Dresden (Tanzwoche), Berlin (Dock 11) and New York (Solo Arts Festival).


e i n t r i t t  f r e i

f r e e   e n t r y




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