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projects.header - 244005.1

projects.hd - 243943.1



deutsch - 244118.1english.aktiv - 244321.1




Underground City 21 - 1525236.1



fragmented city  05










BACK to UC21 - 1526675.1








starting time 19:00

Tickets usw_en - 1528803.2


tour - 1525597.1


Mon - 1525583.1

Tue - 1525585.1

Wed - 1525587.1

Thu - 1525589.1

Fri_a - 1525612.1

Sat - 1525593.1

Sun - 1525595.1

blanc - 245090.1   blanc - 245090.1   blanc - 245090.1

discourse - 1525602.1


programme UC21 - 1525622.1


ab17:00 open Underground Lounge and artLAB      


   blanc - 245090.1    blanc - 245090.1    blanc - 245090.1

 Start Parcours




meet your guides - go on tour

 see destinations  go to - 1525627.1

Real-simulation der Underground City und Reise durch die Stadt ohne Stadt


 Theater Nestroyhof Hamakom

21:00 Verena Kuni  

discourse / symposium

underground urbanity 1

urban camouflage






making (un)visible, masking, disguising in the public space


lecture Verena Kuni

commentary Lena Wicke-Aengenheyster

moderation Jan Deck


Verena Kuni

ist Kunst- und Medienwissenschaftlerin und lehrt als Professorin am Institut für Kunstpädagogik der JWG Universität Frankfurt.Lehrt und forscht seit 1996 an Universitäten und Kunsthochschulen in Deutschland und der Schweiz;  Seit 1997 zudem zahlreiche Lehraufträge und Forschungskooperationen im In- und Ausland. Daneben seit 1989 Autorin für internationale Kunst- und Kulturzeitschriften 1995-1999 Co-Kuratorin für das Kasseler Dokumentarfilm & Videofest; seit 1999 ebd. Leitung der interfiction- Tagung für Kunst, Medien- und Netzkultur. Forschung, Lehre, Projekte und Publikationen zur zeitgenössischen Kunst und Medienkultur, zu Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Kultur- und Naturwissenschaften sowie im Feld der Gender Studies.

Weitere Informationen online unter






 AIKO/Kazuko Kurosaki / Vanja Fuchs

Josephine Baker




180dpi Josephine Baker (c) Jelinek - 1525251.2

Josephine © Thomas Jelinek



In 1928 Josephine Baker performed in Vienna for the first time.


Her show was a success and a scandal, a symbol for liberation and the break-through as an individual, as a woman and as a representative of the rassistically suppressed communities.


At the same time Josephine Baker pierced right into the crusted, morally, politically as well as socially defined power-barriers of the society at that time.


AIKO / Kazuko Kurosaki


Born in Tokio, living and working in Vienna.

Member of the Butoh dance company ARIADONE by Carlotta Ikeda from 1991-98.

Soloperformances, cross-border works – space installations, video.

Works and teaches in the LABfactory/Vienna since 2002, since 2008 also teaching at di:´Angewandte Vienna´ (University for applied arts), Mother of four children and married with Thomas J.Jelinek.

Latest works:
2009: interdisciplinary display poject <no comment> and <no comment+> at the LABfactory, Vienna

2010: <Präformance> in collaboration with Barbara Husar and Nicole Bickel Galerie Konzett, Vienna / <Quod erat demonstrandum:Parasites Kiss> with K. Zakravsky and B.Wilfing at Tanzquartier Wien / <Cooking conference / MISU> living installation / solo performance at the Q202 festival, Vienna/ <Tsuru> presentation and performance for Artinmigration (art magazin) <Unternehmen Mutterschiff> performance with Vanja Fuchs at the Kubus Valie Export festival <Soho in Ottakring>, Vienna / <mementum momentum> at seanuk festival in Haapsalu and Laanemetsa in Estonia / <Lost Visions> Transart Festival 2010 in Labin, Croatia



Vanja Fuchs


Born in Slowenia, living and working in Vienna.

Since 2002 she is part of the core team of pink zebra theatre as a dramaturg and co-director. Dramaturgy, Production Management and Director's Assistance in the realm of music and drama, with Markus Kupferblum (Totales Theater), Thomas Desi (Theater Zoon), Joseph Hartmann & Werner Korn (echoraum, Kroatisches Kulturzentrum), Wiener Festwochen (forum festwochen ff), brunnenpassage, SOHO in Ottakring, e.a. She has also been working as a journalist for Slovenian media, at the moment she is working as a freelance for the arts magazine "Art" in the section for migration.



Stephanie Cumming - Andreas Berger -

Robert Pinzolits


The very first !oh-show


Theater Nestroyhof Hamakom



  the !OH show : Berger Pinzolitz Cumming - 1513309.1

They're still underground


Stephanie Cumming - voice & omnichord
Andreas Berger - synths & sounds
Robert Pinzolits - drums & melodies

  Andreas Berger (GLIM, Liquid Loft)
Based in Vienna. Since 2003 two releases as glim: music for fieldrecordings (2003), aerial view of model (2006) both on karate joe and headz. Work for theatre, film and contemporary dance. Member of the performance company Liquid Loft. Other projects: Contour (together with Lars Stigler), Charmant Rouge. Also collaborations with Yasuhiko Fukuzono (aus), Daniel Lercher, Peter Kutin, Martin Siewert, Michaela Grill, Ralo Meyer, WR, manoa free university, Mara Mattuschka.

Stephanie Cumming is a Canadian dancer, performer and choreographer who has been living in Vienna since 2001.
She is most well know for her work with choreographer Chris Haring and is a founding member of his company Liquid Loft with whom she continues collaborate. Her own works include the solo Ah.Poetry and the lecture performance Redneck to Cyborg: A Shared Transformation, among others. She has appeared in films from filmmakers such as Mara Mattuschka, Gustav Deutsch and Erwin Wurm. She is also a passionate karaoke singer.

Robert Pinzolits has been trained as a media artist and musician and is part of the groups Charmant Rouge (together with Andreas Berger) and Songs of Claire Madison. Since 2002 he is running the music label Karate Joe, having produced 26 productions so far.

underground cinema

  films + clips

Underground Cinema - 1525629.1



a small cinema is an installative fragment of Underground City at the Theater Nestroyhof. The programme is to be anounced and will be available on each respective evening with the tour guides and at the box office.








f l u c


 sampleslaya mit:  LIVE:


sampelslaya - 1526623.1


Didi Bruckmayr und Sigi Aigner aka Musurunga



Dj Cueing & Markus Steinkellner
Machines / Fx / Guitarism / Turntablism
Didi Bruckmayr & Siegi Aigner aka Mussurunga
Breakbeats / Bässe / wirre Gesänge / anmutige Tänze
Visuals :
digital select:on & Ton:ge:misch (phononoia)


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