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References from external documents to a fact (infoID)
Suppose you want to paste a link to a fact on an FCS platform in an e-mail. You can make this possible with the following URL:

users - verweis von extern [en] - 153085.3

Should registration be necessary for reading this information, the link will point directly to the login-page of the platform. Once the user has successfully logged in, the desired information will be displayed by his browser.

<- back to: Create links-> proceed to: Assign permissions to groups

Autors: Astrid Holzhauser; Publicēja: Astrid Holzhauser (Astrid_H)
infoID: 153083.1; Publicēts 13 Apr. 2004 16:00
Referers (2):
table of contents05 Mar. 2014
Create links25 Aug. 2010