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Cona C  /  Zone C - Irena Pivka & Brane Zorman,

Audio-visual situation - Tripple DVD projection, approx. 11 min, looped, DTS or Dolby surround


The audio-visual situation called (Cona C) Zone C explores migration processes through various aspects. It follows an individual who has left his/her domestic ground, friends, culture - the homeland territory - behind. The project focuses on the phenomenon of the border as a geo-political crossing line, which acts as a membrane, as a two-directional filter.

It appears as a border defining the power of one territory against the other, affecting the immigrant's position according to order and laws imposed by the state on either side. It is a game with different rules for different people.

… Borders, fences, walls. Some preventing from exiting, others prohibiting entering. The Iron Curtain, Schengen. The Chinese wall, the Berlin wall, West - Israeli wall… This enormous snake (8 m high, 40 m wide, and 650 km long) is supposed to divide Palestinian West bank from Israel and prevent suicidal bombing attacks …

… How does a wall come into existence? By a mental barrier transforming into a material one! A wall that grows in people's minds materialises on Earth. An owner's wall, a defence wall, a border wall, a racial wall, a wall of prejudices and mistrust