Salzburg Research is the
research organisation of Salzburg, Austria. The organisation conducts
research in the areas of new media as well as information and
communication technologies.

The project:
The result of the project "digi-TEch-innovativ", which is supported by
the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour with the ERP-Fonds "protec
2002 inno", is an online-training programme (blended learning) for
innovation management called "WWW-Wissen Wandel Innovation"
(knowledge-change-innovation). The training programme was developed
with the help of factline Community Server.
The objective: Develop, test and use a knowledge, learning and coaching plattform on the topic of innovation and research management.
The initial situation: After testing numerous products, Salzburg Research decided on the factline Community Server.
The course of the project: Satisfaction with the range of functionalities of the platform and the support services of
factline resulted in the purchase of a server.
Next to the blended learning plattform,, other platforms are used:
- numerous internal platforms for the individual departments of Salzburg Research
- In
the course of the project "promict", which is a cooperation between the
compentence center for new media and the Salzburg New Media Lab
(, the FCS is used as a kind of backoffice for organisational tasks.
- "backoffice" for the project "Metokis"
May - September 2003 intensive testing phase September - December 2003 usage of 2 FCS platforms
December 2003 purchase of an FCS server
responsible for the project:
Max Harnoncourt as well as Astrid Holzhauser