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Permissions for facts

Assign permission:
Permissions for facts are assigned when creating and/or editing content. After you have clicked on the "next>>" button in the Input mask, a group overview is opened, where you can specify the permissions. Here a pre-selection is offered to you, which you can accept directly, but you are not required to.

info3 - 125057.2
Pre-selection: The preselection offered for the permissions is determined by your P-Admin. If you create a fact in structure, the permisions of the folder will be suggested as permissions for the fact.

General permissions

berechtigungen lesen.png - 170951.3readRead-permitted groups can just read the corresponding fact, but they cannot edit or hide/delete it.
berechtigungen bearbeiten.png - 170950.3modifyThe modify-permitted groups can create, edit and hide/delete the fact.

Modify permitted groups are also automatically read permitted. I.e. creators don't have to add read-permission in this case. For all other additional permissions the read-permissions have to be checked, too.

Additional permissions in Forum:

A Forum has three levels: Forum – Topics – Postings. You have the possibility to limit the modification permissions for the second and/or third level.

users - berechtigungen icon topic - 170975.3create topic These groups can write only topics (2nd layer) and postings (3rd layer).
users - berechtigungen icon post - 170976.2post These groups can write only postings to the topics (3rd layer)

Additional permissions for folders:

berechtigungen anlegen.png - 170948.3work These groups can create facts, shortcuts and subfolders in the folder, but they cannot modify the folder itself.

Permissions - 153466.2

Why permissions?

A well-thought permission system enables Platform Administrators and users to accurately control who is allowed to read or modify which information. For any details please read through: Functional hierarchy

-> proceed to: Group function

Autors: Astrid Holzhauser; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publicēja: Angela Gamsriegler (gamsrieglera)
infoID: 109568.15 (...Arhīvs); Publicēts 17 Nov. 2005 10:37
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