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Page layout, position and styles

In this section you can define the basic layout settings. You have the following options:



 Page fixed width in pixels If this field is empty the page fills the whole screen (100%)
 Page alignment to the browser window You can choose from "left-most aligned", "center" and "right most  aligned".   This will align your site according to your choise if the page has a fixed width.
 Indent to left of browser window This puts a blank column leftmost of your page, only if fixed width.
 Page body background color A hex value is expected (e.g. #cccccc ). The option works only if width is fixed.
 Page body additional style You can use this to add additional style to body tag. The text you enter will be automatically put into a 'style="....."' tag property of the body. The option works only if width is fixed.
 Page border colors You can set the left, right and bottom border of the page. The option works only if width is fixed.
 HEADER side borders You can change the height and color of that part of the side page borders, that are topmost,around the header.
 FOOTER message text You can post a custom footer message text.  This will replace the bottom
border! This is a parsed text, just like the left frame info messages.
 Hide footer if left frame hidden? Check the checkbox to hide the footer when in fullscreen - when left frame is not visible.

Autor: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
factID: 1202946.8 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 06 Okt. 2010 15:48
Verweis(e) (1):
table of contents23 Nov. 2009