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NEW! Service E-Buddy

The new service e-buddy Mikroartikel helps to orginise the communication between

IT experts and teachers who want to incorporate IT in their lessons.


New e-buddy  micro article can be created from structure by selecting the e-buddy service button

or directly from the e-buddy repository ( see ).


The e-buddy form contains the following services:


TitleName of the micro article 
Name des eBuddyName of the coached colleague
Name des Betreuten Name of the coacher

You can chose from AHS, HS and HAK 


Obstacles/Opportunities for integration of ICT in class; which are the integration points?; Which acquirements already exist and which are still missing?

Frage/Problem-Antwort/LösungWhich question, problem arose out of the coaching process and what solution was found. Which was the main problem - the most discussed topic (best is to chose at the end of the process; in principle it is not a technical problem!)
ProjektverlaufWhich question, problem arose out of the couching process and what solution was found. Which was the main problem - the most discussed topic (best is to chose at the end of the process; in principle it is not a technical problem!)
LernergebnisseWhat experience was gained? What is the conclusion? What would be best to keep and what to leave for the next time?
ProjektergebnisIs the supervised colleague able to lead a class with integrated ICT? How can this be identified?
IKT-VerwendungIs it expected that the supervised colleague will include ICT in their class in the current/next school year?
BeamerHow is a data project assembled? Which are the methodical-didactical considerations to it? Next to the technical aspects there are also questions about the organisation of classes.
Änderungen der ProjektstrukturWhat changes about  the project structure are you suggesting (timetable, way of coaching)?

 Welche Position/Meinung vertritt die/der Betreute

 in Bezug auf die geleistete Unterstützung?

How would the coached colleague appreciate the support?
 Verwendete MaterialienShort description of the used materials, link, guest access to the learnplatform, expressions, CD


AutorIn: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: factline GmbH (factline6)
factID: 1224044.10 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 07 Aug. 2008 15:54
struktur  >  Beta_Padmin  >  E
Verweis(e) (5):
Content Services15 Nov. 2010
servicelink27 Okt. 2008
if_displays27 Okt. 2008
if_not_in_service27 Okt. 2008
if_in_service27 Okt. 2008