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You can adjust the metainformation options by clicking on "Metainformation" from the Interface Menu.
Dont display the metainfo in guest mode?
when checked, users that are not logged in will not see the meta information of the facts
Do not display the guarantee of existence
when checked, the users won't be able to see if or what guarantee of existence does the fact have
Do not display the author
when checked, the users won't be able to see the authors of the facts
Do not display the copyright
when checked, the users won't be able to see the copyright of the facts
Show meta in the comments tree?
when checked, the users will be able to see the meta information of each comment
Read statistics for facts in the meta info permissions
if you click on the icon, you will be able to select which groups should see the read statistics of the facts and which groups should see detailed read statistics.
Display the read statistics ALSO below the fact itself
when checked, you will see the following line with information below each fact:
Show list of referers (facts linking to this fact):
When checked, you will be able to see which facts are linking to the fact you are viewing.