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ABOUT :: WORLD-EX-POSITION 08  arrsmall1 - 1132768.1arrsmall1 - 1132768.1



Co-operation :  Open Space & LABfactory
arrsmall1 - 1132768.1arrsmall1 - 1132768.1LIVE-STREAM  Start : 21:30 arrsmall1 - 1132768.1arrsmall1 - 1132768.1

lecture performance
Dr. Richard Barbrook
‘Imaginary futures’
DJ: Ohrgasmus
Moderation: Stefan Lutschinger

barbrook - 1187833.1

LABfactory programm


20:00  more arrsmall1 - 1132768.1
streaming Laboratory
XLTerrestrials ‘Transmigration Of the Telepresent’
In Kooperation mit, und Press/Play in Detroit
Abendmoderation: Alexander Nikolić / Pod p Podinski
Dj Line: Alexander Nikolić / Pod p Podinski

April 26. – Mai 15. 2008

ist gezeigter Partikel
gegenwärtiger Prozesse.
 Zonen des künstlerischen
wie diskursiven Transfers.
Ansichten des Un/Möglichen -
der Welt in einer Ausstellung.
Ein openLAB in der LABfactory
kombiniert mit und fortgesetzt
in einer Ausstellung im


openSpace - 1143229.1

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Programm LABfactory:

Richard Barbrook traces the early days of the Internet, beginning  from a pivotal point at the 1964 World’s Fair, in what critics are  saying is the most well-researched and original account of  cybertechnology among contemporary works. He demonstrates how  business and ideological leaders put forth a carefully orchestrated  vision of an imaginary future, where robots would do the washing up,  go to the office and think for us. With America at the forefront of  these promises, Barbrook shows how ideological forces joined to  develop new information technologies during the Cold War era and how  what they created historically has shaped the modern Internet, with  intended political consequences.Crucially, he argues that had the past been different, our  technological and political present would not be what it is today.  Barbrook’s conclusions about the modern state of the Internet, puts  forward a call for action in how the world’s most important tool of 
revolutionary politics should be approached. ©

Stefan Lutschinger is a proletarian bohemian and a departed on holiday. He works as an artist, curator, performer, blogger and free author on social problems or social conflicts, whose solutions are only conceivable by esthetic means. He works in the fields of digital art, recreational robotics, mass agitation art and anthropology of the posthuman.

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