Location: Grand Hotel Wien, Kaerntner Ring 9, A-1010, Vienna, Austria
Start Time: 9:00 p.m.
End Time: 23:30 p.m.
Please, answer "Would you come to the event?" with "yes" or "no" in the second column and if you like also leave a comment in the last column. To edit the table and to fill the cells, please rollover with the mouse to the desired cell in the raw where your name is and click on "edit". Thank you!
Автор: factline factline; Публикиван от: Webservices factline 4 (factline4) InfoID: 1354510.3 (...версии); публикуван на: 10 Aug. 2009 10:46 Тази версия е видяна 32457 пъти