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Create Content (=facts)

There are two possible ways to create a fact. In the following steps we will explain "way 1" in details. Via "way 1" you work directly in the Structure and create a fact with Create shortcuts at once.

View the corresponding Film-Kamera - 157662.1 demonstration video

(1) Navigate in the structure area to the folder, where you want to create a fact.

(2) Click in the left frame (options area) in the edit-box on “create a new fact”

users - box bearbeiten [de] - 179550.5

(3) Select the desired fact-type from the following list (text, file, etc.)

(4) Fill in the Input mask.

(5) Click on “next>>”.

(6) Choose the permissions.
A group overview opens in which you set the permissions. In most cases you will receive a pre-selection proposed by the Platform administrator ("p-admin"), which you can, but are not obliged to accept.

(7) Click on the “Preview” button to check your input.

Now you can see the finished layout of the fact, which is now stored in the system under a infoID. In order for other users to be able to read the fact, you must publish it.

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