Sākums > Struktūra > English > english > New features implemented for Padmins:
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New features implemented for Padmins:

(1) Activation of Easy Publish

Allow the users of your platform to work with a modern technology, easy and comfortable tools and the new design of the editor.  allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 Lesen Sie mehr

(2) Send to a friend:

This new function allows to send the fact in link-fom. Give users the opportunity to be informed about all newly created facts. allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 Lesen Sie mehr

(3) Mandatory multiple assignment of facts:

In order facts to be accessable where needed, there is the function "Mandatory multiple assignment of facts". It allows the users to create shortcuts in two different folders in one step when publishing a fact.  allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 Lesen Sie mehr  


(4) More text with E-Mail notification:

There is the opportunity to view a summary of the (daily automatic) sent E-mail Notifications.  allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 Lesen Sie mehr

(5) Instant notification for Reply on Comments:

This function offers an instant notification when there is a reply to a commnet.  allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 Lesen Sie mehr 


(6) Factcloud/Tagcloud

A visual depiction of the information by a "tag cloud" on the factline platform.  allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 Lesen Sie mehr


(7) Easy navigation within personal Settings:

There is a new function that makes the navigation in the Settings page more comfortable and easy. allgemein - pfeil rechts - 232392.4 Lesen Sie mehr

Autors: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publicēja: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
infoID: 1206113.2 (...Arhīvs); Publicēts 24 Jun. 2008 14:53